Every patient is different, so why treat them the same? There is a wide range of orthodontic issues, with different levels of complexity and treatment possibilities. Visiting your orthodontist is the best way to ensure quality care and the most effective solution to your case.

However, orthodontic care isn't a “one size fits all” type of treatment. There are many ways of achieving that healthy smile!

  • Traditional braces: Perhaps the most well-known form of orthodontic treatment, traditional braces consist of metal brackets attached to each tooth linked together with a thin archwire that is tightened over time, resulting in pressure over the teeth to slowly move them toward the desired position.
  • Ceramic braces: The main difference between these and traditional braces is that ceramic brackets are clear and transparent, making them less visible than their metallic counterparts. They are a popular choice for adultos who undergo orthodontic treatment.
  • Clear aligners (Invisalign): Invisalign is a less invasive alternative to traditional orthodontic treatment. It is removable, custom-made and clear. Each new aligner takes the process of adjusting the teeth one step further. Many opt for Invisalign as a way to fix alignment issues without having to wear metal brackets.
  • Palatal expanders: These devices are fitted to each patient's palate and applies pressure to move the teeth further apart. This is often used as an alternative for tooth extraction and helps patients with overcrowded teeth.
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